Friday, January 18, 2008

Chapter 14 notes

Chapter 14
Western Europe
Historical Overview
People occupied Western Europe by 35,000B.C.
Framing spread from Southwest Asia about 5400 B.C.
Farming arrived by way of Cultural Diffusion – people adopt the practices of their neighbors
Ancient Civilizations
During this time writing, cities and powerful states developed in the Middle East and spread to Greece
The Greeks made advances in art and science
They founded colonies along the Mediterranean coast of Spain, France and Italy influencing other civilizations
Rome conquered an empire that stretched form England to Southwest Asia
Germanic tribes conquered the western Roman Empire in A.D. 500
Europe then passed through the Dark Ages with centuries of poverty, disease, political upheaval and warfare.
Rebirth and Expansion
About 1400 Western Europeans began to rediscover the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans
The Renaissance –rebirth- contributed to new advances in science and technology
Powerful new states developed in England, France, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands
Sea travel and warfare advances caused exploration and colonies to be developed around the world
In Africa, Asia and the Americas the colonies produced great riches for Western Europe
Many people began to question the power of the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Reformation led to the formation of other churches that ended religious unity in Europe
Industrialization and Democracy
Industrial Revolution started in England during the 1700’s as new technological advances resulted in machines powered by water, steam, and fuel
As knowledge spread citizens of Western Europe demanded more rights and Democracy spread
Conflict and Cooperation
After 1900 conflicts between the powerful nations resulted in two world wars
In World War II German Nazis killed millions of civilians including 6 million Jews
After the end of the WWII tense rivalry called the Cold War lasted until 1989
Nations of Western Europe pursued grater political and economic cooperation and formed the European Union
Physical Characteristics
Western Europe stretches from the Scandinavian Peninsula in the north to the Iberian Peninsula in the south
Great variety of physical features- great mountains of the Alps, flat North European Plain, many rivers and fertile valleys
Tend to be milder than those of other world regions at the same latitudes
Caused by the relative locations of the oceans and land
At no point in Western Europe is it more than 300 miles to the coast
Mountains – Alps in south and along Scandinavian Peninsula crate a dryer climate by blocking the winds that ride on ocean currents
Much have been altered by humans to build farms towns, and cities
7 basic varieties in the far north tundra, mid-latitude deciduous forest in the central area to chaparral in the south along the Mediterranean Sea
People and Cultures
Western Europe is one of the world’s smallest regions occupying only 3% of the world’s landmass
One of the most densely populated regions and has many cultures
Economic growth has caused much migration from around the world
Economics, Technology, and Environment
Western Europe is one of the world’s most heavily industrialized regions with many busy ports, factories and farming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey ms.vp juss read the notes and decided i should leave a comment........................................................................................